Problems whilst animating

My animation on the whole went very smoothly. It took me a while to get used to the process of animating and using Flash but once I was used to both these things my animation came on very well. The only part I had a real problem making it look convincing was a part involving the apple character running. It was really tricky to get my head round how to animate it.

I found the Animators Survival Guide really helpful as the book included lots of different types of walk/run and skip cycles. What I went for in the end was sort of half way between a run and a skip. It was really useful to see each part of the cycle on paper it helped me get my head around the movement and the realisation that the body moves up and down as well not just the legs. I think this was my major problem with the cycle I had tried to do, the apple's body didn't bob up and down like it should have done.

Example of a basic walk cycle.